
This is my final image that I created for this project. At first, I was really worried about creating one image using five or more existing images, because each photo is so entirely different. In the end, I am pretty happy and satisfied with my final! (The original photos I used are posted below, which are ALL from Google.) I chose the quote, "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past". This quote is from the Great Gatsby, which is my favorite novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald and one of my favorite movies. I think it was so beautifully written, and I find myself constantly reciting lines and quotes from the book/movie. Gatsby said this quote, and I believe it sounds beautiful. So, I started with my background image, which was simply a picture of a lake with a boat in it. For my second image, I chose a current (denoted from the quote as well as the boat) and placed it on top of my background image. For my third image, I chose a flock of seagulls in the sky. I had difficulty not placing the photo, but merging it with the existing photos so it looked like they just flowed. My fourth image, (which is barely visible, but intended to be so) is the New York City skyline. I put it in the background behind the boat. And my fifth and final image, I chose to duplicate the seagull picture and use again, because before it, the sky looked a bit bare. I was debating whether or not to type the quote out, but decided to because I think it really completes the picture.
Here are the original photos I used, in order!